

1.求LOL深渊巨口、 英文版介绍。 SB英语老师要英语演讲 ——。 我给他介绍介绍大嘴— — 求翻译速度、





求LOL深渊巨口、 英文版介绍。 SB英语老师要英语演讲 ——。 我给他介绍介绍大嘴— — 求翻译速度、

       Kog'Maw, the Mouth of the Abyss(克格'寞,深渊巨口) When the prophet Malzahar was reborn in Icathia, he was led there by an ominous voice which thereafter anchored itself to his psyche. From within, this voice bestowed upon him terrible purpose, and though Malzahar was no longer tormented by its call, the voice did not cease its unrelenting summons. This baleful beacon's gentle flicker -- now fastened to Runeterra -- drew forth a putrid beast that ambled across a threshold it did not understand, widening a fissure between the spaces which were never meant to meet. There amongst the haunting ruins of Icathia, Kog'Maw manifested in Valoran with unsettling curiosity. The spark which led him to Runeterra teased him still, urging him gently towards Malzahar. It also encouraged him to familiarize himself with his new environment, to the stark horror of everything he encountered on his journey. The enchanting colors and aromas of Runeterra intoxicated Kog'Maw, and he explored the fruits of the strange world the only way he knew how: by devouring them. At first he sampled only the wild flora and fauna he happened across. As he traversed the parched Tempest Flats, however, he came upon a tribe of nomads. Seemingly unhampered by conventional rules of physics, Kog'Maw consumed every nomad and any obstacles they put in his way, amounting to many times his own mass and volume. The most composed of his victims may have had time to wonder if this was due to the caustic enzymes which stung the ground as they dripped from his gaping mouth, although such musings were abruptly concluded. When his wake of catastrophe reached the Institute of War, an enthusiastic Malzahar greeted him with an enticing prospect: taste the best Runeterra could offer...on the Fields of Justice. 'If that's just hungry, I don't want to see angry.' -- Tryndamere, the Barbarian King


       Kog'Maw, the Mouth of the Abyss(克格'寞,深渊巨口)

       When the prophet Malzahar was reborn in Icathia, he was led there by an ominous voice which thereafter anchored itself to his psyche. From within, this voice bestowed upon him terrible purpose, and though Malzahar was no longer tormented by its call, the voice did not cease its unrelenting summons. This baleful beacon's gentle flicker -- now fastened to Runeterra -- drew forth a putrid beast that ambled across a threshold it did not understand, widening a fissure between the spaces which were never meant to meet. There amongst the haunting ruins of Icathia, Kog'Maw manifested in Valoran with unsettling curiosity. The spark which led him to Runeterra teased him still, urging him gently towards Malzahar. It also encouraged him to familiarize himself with his new environment, to the stark horror of everything he encountered on his journey.

       The enchanting colors and aromas of Runeterra intoxicated Kog'Maw, and he explored the fruits of the strange world the only way he knew how: by devouring them. At first he sampled only the wild flora and fauna he happened across. As he traversed the parched Tempest Flats, however, he came upon a tribe of nomads. Seemingly unhampered by conventional rules of physics, Kog'Maw consumed every nomad and any obstacles they put in his way, amounting to many times his own mass and volume. The most composed of his victims may have had time to wonder if this was due to the caustic enzymes which stung the ground as they dripped from his gaping mouth, although such musings were abruptly concluded. When his wake of catastrophe reached the Institute of War, an enthusiastic Malzahar greeted him with an enticing prospect: taste the best Runeterra could offer...on the Fields of Justice.

       'If that's just hungry, I don't want to see angry.'

       -- Tryndamere, the Barbarian King



       在游戏中Shift+1 ?:从前有个怪物,他一直在吃东西,可怎么也吃不饱,结果到最后,他把自己也吃掉了。

       游戏中Shift+2 :再来呀,我还没吃饱呢。

       游戏中Shift+3 :跳舞,怎么跳的我忘了。

       游戏中Shift+4 :大笑


       用餐时间到了! Time to feast! ?

       恩恩……吃的! Mmmm…food. ?

       饥饿感永远不会休眠! Hunger never sleep

       闻到嫩肉的气味了! Smell soft flesh.

       谨遵虚空号令! Obey void

       片甲不留! Leave no scraps!

       用嚼的,别用吞的,要有绅士风度。 Chew food, not swallow whole, be gentlema.

       每一餐都是开心的一餐。 Every meal happy meal

       我们走吧! We go

       别休息! No rest!

       我越来越饿了…… Getting hungry…

       想吃肉! Want meat!

       湮灭来袭! Oblivion come

       我的胃空空如也! Maw so empty.

       该喂食了! Feeding time!

       再来吖,我还没吃饱呢! Keep coming, not full!

       恐怖就要来了……老爸就要来了 Terror coming… daddy coming!













