


魔兽世界 亡灵序曲_dawn魔兽世界亡灵序曲

亡灵序曲本名叫The Dawn

亡灵序曲是网上广为流传的一部经典的关于魔兽争霸3的亡灵族的MV,其中动画部分由WarCraft3里面的过场CG剪辑而成,背景音乐为芬兰 Dreamtale乐队的曲子The Dawn,因为美国大片《勇闯夺命岛》中的插曲也出自该乐队的乐谱,所以很多网友也听出很多相似之处。

The Dawn之所以成为亡灵序曲是从2005年说起,其中国内最权威的电子竞技网站Replays.Net WarCraft3论坛的亡灵天灾专区把一名网友所推荐的这首曲子定为亡灵专区区歌,然后论坛一名叫做飞向云端的网友在一周后制作了这部MV,以The Dawn作为背景音乐,并起名为 亡灵序曲

这首歌其实是出自芬兰Dreamtale这个乐队,中文名字是梦境传说吧,他们的第一张专辑里的序曲,就开篇曲《the dawn》,他们是个重金属乐队,有兴趣去听听他们的歌吧。


亡灵序曲是魔兽世界的主题曲。上钢琴、鼓、电吉他、大小提琴等演奏的。 对黑暗的向往






The dawn, what of the dawn

We he come to kill, by sun or by moon

Escalating from the darkest pits of hell

And gather strength where the fire's dwell

Behold, the black horseman

On his winged steed

The prince of darkness soaring high

Behold the black horseman

On his winged steed

A pitch black shadow

Against a pale white moon

The dawn, what of the dawn

We seek the comfort of the dark

The plains of battle before us lay

You will never see another day

Never Never again

The dawn, what of the dawn

We've come to kill, by sun or by moon

The dawn that you seek will fade

Can't you see this is the end

The rain of terror will fall upon thee

His voice will shatter even the brest of hearts

When you fall to the ground in tears

Behold his glory as you die

The dawn, what of the dawn

We he come to kill, by sun or by moon

Escalating from the darkest pits of hell

And gather strength where the fire's dwell

Our army before you will mesmerize you

Violence to the art

All life is forsaken

The dark has awoken

The fire that burns in our hearts

We are the glorious

Mighty warriors come to call your doom

This night we'll be victorious

The dawn, what of the dawn

We've come to kill, by sun or by moon

The dawn that you seek will fade

Can't you see this is the end

The rain of terror will fall upon thee

His voice will shatter even the brest of hearts

When you fall to the ground in tears

Behold his glory as you die.

And as the sun is fading high above the battlefields

Never to be seen again

At last the fallen angel has the world within his grasp

And none of you will ever see another dawn







原本是96年经典好莱坞**《The Rock》(译:石破天惊,又译:勇闯夺命岛)的配乐,后被自芬兰重金属乐队Dreamtale(译:梦境传说)改编后收入2002年发行的专辑《Beyond Reality》(译:超现实幻境)作为开篇曲。

《The Dawn》的原意为黎明、拂晓、破晓,但在国内网络上,广被讹传为“亡灵序曲”。这是因为在2005年,国内一个电子游戏竞技网站中,一位《魔兽争霸3》亡灵族的拥趸,推荐这首曲子作为亡灵论坛专区的区歌;后来另一名网友以《The Dawn》作为背景音乐,用《魔兽争霸3》中亡灵族的过场画面,剪辑制作了一部MV,并命名为《亡灵序曲》。至此,该曲的中文名就随着这部MV以讹传讹地流传开来,而真实名字却不被广为人知。


那个曲子是Dreamtale乐队的歌曲《The Dawn》(中文名为“亡灵序曲”)。

因为在2005年,国内一个电子游戏竞技网站中,一位《魔兽争霸3》亡灵族的拥趸,推荐这首曲子作为亡灵论坛专区的区歌;后来另一名网友以《The Dawn》作为背景音乐,用《魔兽争霸3》中亡灵族的过场画面,剪辑制作了一部MV,并命名为《亡灵序曲》。至此,该曲的中文名就随着这部MV以讹传讹地流传开来,而真实名字却不被广为人知。

亡灵序曲《The Dawn》其他的有Exclusive Track:主音乐,也就是魔兽世界主题音乐Intro Movie:动画背景音乐City Theme:主城背景音乐Ambient:野外背景音乐Intro Cue:特殊背景音乐